Ultraman Nexus

Ultraman Nexus


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*Based on the 2004 Tokusatsu TV series Ultraman Nexus*TLT is a covert international anti-monster unit, established secretly to combat the Space Beasts, mysterious monsters that are out to attack humans in the year 2009. One of the TLT's new recruits, Kazuki Komon, is attacked by one of them prior to reporting for duty. However, he is saved by a silver giant that he names "Ultraman". What no one knows is that the silver giant is an Ultraman — to be precise, Ultraman Nexus, ready to fight the Space Beasts to save the planet Earth.From Shogakukan:"Ultraman Nexus" by Takashi Shiina, which was serialized in Televikun, has been revived after 10 years. Includes 28 pages of the last story completely written by Shiina, and beautiful pinups. A must-have for not only Ultraman fans, but Shiina fans as well!Originally serialized in 2004, released as a full book in 2015, and then in 2022 digitally.

Chapter list
Maybe coming in the next issue
Ultraman Nexus Chapter 3
Ultraman Nexus Chapter 4