The Shinsengumi

The Shinsengumi


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In Kyoto, in the late 1800s, the son of a local book-binder, Kyujuro Fukakusa sees his father murdered before his eyes and vows revenge. In his quest for justice, he answers the recruitment call of the Shinsengumi (or "The new squad") a newly-formed special brigade of samurai loyal to the shogun. There he meets fellow recruit and proficient swordsmen, the enigmatic Daisuke Kamakiri. Despite the gap in their fighting skill levels, the two forma close bond, but can it survive the age of upheaval that is descending on "The Wolves of Mibu?" (from**Volume 11 of the Osamu Tezuka Complete Works**

Chapter list
Maybe coming in the next issue
The Shinsengumi Chapter 6
The Shinsengumi Chapter 7