Tensei Ryoushu No Yuuryou Kaitaku: Zensei No Kioku O Ikashite White Ni Tsutometara, Yuunou Na Jinzai Ga Atsumari Sugimashita

Tensei Ryoushu No Yuuryou Kaitaku: Zensei No Kioku O Ikashite White Ni Tsutometara, Yuunou Na Jinzai Ga Atsumari Sugimashita


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Excellent development of reincarnated lords-When I tried to whiten by making use of the memory of the previous life, too many talented people gathered, Tensei Ryoushu no Yuuryou Kaitaku: Zensei no Kioku o Ikashite White ni Tsutometara, Yuunou na Jinzai ga Atsumari SugimashitaExcellent development of reincarnated lords-When I tried to whiten by making use of the memory of the previous life, too many talented people gathered- is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in (English/Raw) language, REINCARNATION series is written by Susumu Sorano This Comic is AboutI was working for a black company when I collapsed from exhaustion and woke up to find that I had been reincarnated as the son of a weak lord in another world. I was attacked by a demon, lost my parents, and took over a territory that no longer had any residents The path I chose to survive was to gather people under extremely white conditions! This is a territory management fantasy that starts with no residents!

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