Over Reach Boy

Over Reach Boy


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By Backlash67:While handing out flyers in the park for an art exhibit, Hideaki Kaoru meets a tall handsome young boy. The young boy, Kitamura Shin, immediately asks Kaoru to be his boyfriend. Kaoru refuses; he claims he doesn’t want to have a relationship with someone younger than him especially a high schooler because they would not have anything in common and lack maturity. Kaoru further states he isn’t interest in males.However, once Kaoru notices a bracelet that Shin wears which Shin claims is very important to him and from an unrequited love; Kaoru can’t help but become agitated with himself for being jealous of Shin’s secret crush. Can Kaoru overcome his prejudices against having a younger lover and develop a mature relationship with Shin?

Chapter list
Maybe coming in the next issue
Over Reach Boy Chapter 2
Over Reach Boy Chapter 3