Mobile Suit Gundam U.c.0096 - Last Sun

Mobile Suit Gundam U.c.0096 - Last Sun


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In U.C. 0096, a ceremony to commemorate the end of the One Year War is held in Side 7. The Aonbarr, built to resemble the famous White Base is present at the ceremony, having transported junior high school students from Earth for the ceremony. Sun Place, one of the students who quickly becomes bored with the ceremony, enters a restricted access area, and encounters the three MS built for the ceremony, the G-First, Cannongan, and GF-Tank. At the same time, Zeon remnants on the Musai-class "Mailmer" attack, hoping to secure the Aonbharr as a trophy and join the Neo Zeon remnants known as "The Sleeves".

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