Marriage B

Marriage B


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Read manhwa Marriage B / 메리지 B “You killed Melissa. If you let me go, she won’t!” I am married to Terio Alte, a friend from childhood. But Terio’s heart only goes to Melissa, my sister. Not long after that, Marquis Ancy Betelgius destroyed the Rubiet family. And Melissa, who was married to him, also died. Terio took out all his resentment on me, because I couldn’t stand it and decided to give up on this life… When I opened my eyes, I found myself going back to 7 years ago. I chose Ancy Betelgius over as Melissa’s replacement. “There’s no hope. Anyway, if life has decided my fate is death, I’ll choose a certain tragedy.” But this man, why treat me with such affection… “If that’s the case…I hope you will keep this mask of affection for a long time. Until the day I take my own life”

Chapter list
Maybe coming in the next issue
Marriage B Chapter 58
Marriage B Chapter 59