Maou Lover

Maou Lover


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In the Maou Lover series:From Fujoshi Bitches :V.1 - Maou Lover“Don’t show that face to anyone else except me”Mao, the demon-king-like genius pro tennis player, and Hikaru, the S (sadist) and intellectual player, are rivals from when they were juniors!….. It was supposed to be like that but he always looks at me whether it’s during the game or not. Furthermore, suddenly asking me to go out on a date and even French-kiss me…! I can’t stop my heart from beating fast, could this be..... love !?V.2 - Maou Lover VS Ouji-sama“You’re not so honest, huh. Even though your body is “honest” like this ❤”Mao is the devil-king-like genius who hates to lose. His childhood friend as well as his rival in tennis is Hikaru, an intellectual noble-like and a S (sadist) type! Their relationship is like cat and dog because of their opposite personalities. However, they became lovers because Hikaru found out the weak points on Mao’s body. But then, the night at the summer training camp, just when Hikaru was about to attacking Mao but he suddenly stopped... Because i’m the king so just come and do me ❤ I will never say it!!

Chapter list
Maybe coming in the next issue
Maou Lover Chapter 2
Maou Lover Chapter 3