Isekai De Saikyou No Tsue Ni Tensei Shita Ore Ga Iyagaru Shoujo Wo Muriyari Mahou Shoujo Ni P Suru!

Isekai De Saikyou No Tsue Ni Tensei Shita Ore Ga Iyagaru Shoujo Wo Muriyari Mahou Shoujo Ni P Suru!


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A widely popular TV animation series "Magical Girl ☆ Charming Luluna". Niimi Reiji, is a huge fan mahou shoujo otaku.One day he died while saving his friend's daughter suddenly reincarnated in a different world. But, as a magical wand rather than a human being!He has ability to Make(forced) a beautiful girl that you met into a "Magical Girl" and turn it into a magical (physics) power in a different world!Beginning in a different world adventure of Magical Girl Saga to fight demon king forces, start!

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