Dekiai Nante Zuru Sugiru!!

Dekiai Nante Zuru Sugiru!!


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Miyu, a second year at high school, is in love with “love,” and has the hobby of observing the school’s hottest guys during break time, her enthusiasm for it never failing to amaze her friends, Ayuto and Eri. But when Eri asks Miyu why she won’t pick the handsome and cool-looking Ayuto, whom she has an inseparable relationship with after finding out they were fans of the same band, Miyu replies that Ayuto is just a friend. In contrast to Miyu’s lack of interest, however, is Ayuto, who has a crush on her that everyone but her can see! Suddenly, Miyu ends up exchanging contact details with the cool and popular Imai-senpai at Ayuto’s part-time job, leaving her in high spirits! Meanwhile, Ayuto, who knows about Imai-senpai’s womanizing tendencies, is worried… It’s a sugary romance comedy between these two!!!

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