Author, In This Life I’m The Protagonist

Author, In This Life I’m The Protagonist


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Read manhwa Author, In This Life I’m The Protagonist “The writer seems to have a hard time writing by hand, so I think it would be better to try writing with your feet this time.” I was drawn into the hand of a God who calls Himself my fan, and possessed it as a supporting role in a novel that I had been working on all year round. “Make sure to complete it with the determination to die, or the determination to survive.” While I was working hard at God’s threat of death if I couldn’t finish the novel, the female protagonist died right in front of me?! He grabbed the crotch of the indignant God and hung it. “… If I can even play a pinch hitter, I can.” “Dae-Tara… . Do you think the writer wants to become a female protagonist?” “Why, where can’t you? I am a writer, a writer!” She received the Buffalo buff and succeeded in joining the adventures of the man. “Young-ae’s help, I will never forget. One day I will surely repay this favor.” There is no reason to fall in love with the man I made. have. He’s tough and tough, but he’s so handsome and handsome. What about those red auricles? Past life is a writer, current life is a female protagonist. Adventure, romance, and desperate struggles unfolding by the writer who rolls over as a female lead in a year-round work?!

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